Welcome to my World of Warcraft blog! Here i post hints, exploits, cheats, updates, guide and faq for this game. Most of my post is merely copy and paste, and i taken it from other sites, since i don't play well and can't write well. I'll try to write some guide and articles on that. Well, hope you enjoy! You also can find more WoW guide from link at the sidebar!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

2 Methods to Play For Free

1. If you have money on your debit/credit card but dont want to use it.
2. If you DONT have any money on your credit/debit card.

Lets start with case #1 shall we? Yeah well anyway. Lets say you have money on your card. This will let you actually play a longer period of time without paying. This is what you do. Ill just tell you how to do it so it works then ill explane why and how it works.

1. Login to worldofwarcraft.com and go to account management.
2. Go to the payment page.
3. Enter you card info and pay for 1 month subscription.
4. And press update and what ever so it basically says 'Congardulation, you have activated your account and are ready for playing' or somthing like that.
5. Okay... now login to the game. And log in to your main character, it can be any actually....
6. now after your in the game, alt tab out. Its very important you AltTab out and not close the game.
7. Go back to the account management page then go to yout subscription plan page again.
8. Now cancel your subscription! (You are still logged in with your character in the game)
9. Boom now you play for free until you log out! You will not be billed! Wootness! i win! lol...

But remember if you log out you will not be able to log back in again.... So be carful not to get any DCs hehe =P
Okay now the unknown side of this. Im not sure how man times you can do this in a row, I dont recomend you do this more than two times within 24 hours, 36 hours would be better in my opininon because the billing system works on every 12 or 6 hours if im not mistaking. But im sure you can do this at least 2 times in a row because it has been tested. You can do this as must as you want on other accounts as in... You can do it for your account... Then at the same time do it for your friends account, and vise versa the next day. so your cards would be in use 48 hours each. Again i dont recomend you use this methot on a regular basis... Because i do not know the what the consiquenses can be, even thogh i dont think they can be major consiquenses because you can always say, i wanted to play then i decided not to lol... so i took my card out...

If you do not remove your card within 6-24 hours you will be billed. I am not 100% on the (6-24 hours) but im pretty confident.

How this works

Well i know some imformation about banking and credit card billing and stuff. This is how it works. When you put in your infor for bliz to bill your account, it does not the cash out of your debit card instantly, it takes some time to process the order. So while its processing it you CAN use your account. And when you cancel your account bilzzard forgot to add a script that checks to see if your online in the game in order to kick you out. And when you cancel the plan, it does not bill you because bilzz cancels your order and refunds your money. (When i say refunds your money it doesnt mean it has takin out money to refund it, it has takin out shall i say virtual money that has not actually been taken out. Anyway i wont go deeply into this but yeah)

Okay... now to do the same if you do not have any money in your debit/credit card account.

From what i know this will only work once for a 24 hour period until the bank trys to pay blizz the amount you owe them (remember the processing time) and that takes about 24 hours or so. So blizzard doesnt know that you dont have enough money to pay them and it takes some time for them to find that out. So it will let you play for 24 hours until it finds out that you dont have enough money to pay them. The second time you try this without paying your card is shall i say flagged and wont let you play that free 24 hours on the same account until you pay the 1 month fee and so on. You can do this on your friends accounts tho. Anyway....... im going to much into this again... Basically you do this same thing from steps 1-5 i thinkl.

1. Login to worldofwarcraft.com and go to account management.
2. Go to the payment page.
3. Enter you card info and pay for 1 month subscription.
4. And press update and what ever so it basically says 'Congardulation, you have activated your account and are ready for playing' or somthing like that.
5. Okay... now login to the game. And log in to your main character, it can be any actually....

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