Welcome to my World of Warcraft blog! Here i post hints, exploits, cheats, updates, guide and faq for this game. Most of my post is merely copy and paste, and i taken it from other sites, since i don't play well and can't write well. I'll try to write some guide and articles on that. Well, hope you enjoy! You also can find more WoW guide from link at the sidebar!

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Soloing Celebras

Recently made friends with a chinese gold farmer, his english is better than some but not that good. He showed me what he does all day, probably every day. He kills 3 bosses in maraudon, first celebras the cursed, then tinkerer then rotgrip. He uses the scepter to get into maraudon quick. I've always been interested in them as they must know some of the best ways to grind money.

Anyway he showed me how to kill the bosses, I couldn't do it! So I downloaded fraps and made a movie of it so I could watch it until I got it.

Have a look at this video

Original video was bigger than that, you could see the buffs he was using etc.

What I can't understand is how he gets the trees to aggro on his pet! he activates devilsaur eye trinket and rapid fire and his pet is in beastal wrath. He doesnt seem to use growl, claw, or screetch, pets focus stays at 100%. Second time the trees go back to his pet the only thing that happens is his mark of the chosen procs. Saw no evidence of him using teleporting hacks or any hacks during our runs. I thought he was using screetch to pull aggro back to his pet, but tried it and it didnt work. Only thing it can be a beast mastery pet creates enough aggro on the boss that the trees go after it

For the video he was buffed with PW:F (he joined a normal 5 man mara run for a bit lol), he doesnt normally have that so usually has a bit lower health when hes finished. Towards the end a bit you didnt see is he will send his owl back to the starting position and all the trees follow it, then he loots and puts pet out of range so it dissapears I think (didnt record this bit)

I recently changed to MM, every time I try it the same I just get more and more trees aggro on me whilst not getting his health down far enough. He actually has better gear than me, the gear I have got he helped me to get killing the other bosses in the instance - I just got my character undeleted and I didn't have any gear.

Tier 1/2 guys can just nuke him down before the trees can kill them I know but wondering how this was done in greens/blues.

Another strange thing, a few times whilst I've been in the instance too he has invited me to group (to reset the instance) yet he doesnt make me leader, then goes offline very quickly (some / command?) and comes back online quickly (probably from having no mods installed!)

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